Seminar for FIFA Referee Technical & Fitness Instructors that kick started on Monday, will oversee the participation of hundred technical instructors in Doha. The seminar, which is a five day event will conclude this Friday.

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The objective of the five day event is to provide a platform for technical instructors around the globe to take part in theoretical and practical sessions to improve their knowledge. It will also prove to be an important event, wherein, the participants will be able to share ideas, experience and expertise in the domain to reach a standardised interpretation and application of the Laws of the Game.

The seminar is aimed at updating the participants with the latest teaching material fitness data and results, for enhancing their knowledge on fitness and technical training and referees’ evaluation.

The opening ceremony at QFA was attended by Pierluigi Collina, FIFA’s Chairman of the Referees’ Committee, Hani Ballan, Vice Chairman of FIFA Referees’ Committee, Massimo Busacca, Director of the FIFA Refereeing Department, and Neji Jouini, Executive Director of the Referees Committee.

Pierluigi Collina, FIFA’s Chairman of the Referees’ Committee, while addressing the participants at the event, stressed on the importance of working towards the creation and upgradation of future referees by setting an example for the new generation of referees. Further, the aim of the event as communicated was to help new referees develop their skills and take part in advanced workshops through the instructors.

The FIFA oriented seminar is one of the four seminars held in Qatar over the last few weeks, including the forum for the referees and video assistants who will feature in the FIFA 2018 World Cup in Russia this summer.

The training sessions are being made in the direction of upcoming Russia World Cup and for Women’s World Cup in France. The event is designed to understand the issues a referee face on the pitch in, which the technical instructors are to take up their roles for the referee development for future sport events.

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