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Away from politics, and with the slapping and wailing practiced by some media outlets, including an Arab one, which shows the picture of the events as bleak and frightening, foretelling that what is to come for Afghanistan is a future that has no features.

In this report, we will monitor for you another aspect of the events taking place in Afghanistan, some of which are funny and the other strange, but in any case, they are things that really happened in the midst of the spread of weapons and the struggle for power


qatar airways

Taliban talking to CNN reporter: We are here for safety and security

A video of CNN reporter Clarissa Ward in a headscarf from the capital, Kabul, showed her walking around and relaying the photo.



And the Taliban fighters sent a message to Washington via CNN correspondent Clarissa Ward, saying: “We are here to keep everything under control and Afghan citizens should not worry.. America has spent enough time in Afghanistan and they should leave. They have lost a lot.” of lives and money.


Taliban fighters play sports in the presidential palace

Russia Today has published a circulating video claiming that the Taliban are exercising inside the gymnasium in the presidential palace.

According to the video, the Taliban fighters practice sports and exercises with ease and happiness.


Taliban fighters reward themselves with amusement parks

A video spread on social media showed Taliban fighters rewarding themselves with games and amusement parks.