The Importance of Play in a Child’s Life

It s true that education is like a building block for a child s future. All parents dream for a better career for their...

Is Faith Really a Good Thing

(NewsUSA) – Turn on the TV, go online or stream music, and it may seem like there is no place for faith in our...

happier home in just 5 days!

Every member of a family plays a vital role in the health and happiness of the household. Everyone is important, deserves to be treated...

Never ever give up your faith

Never ever give up your faith.Know that adversities,obstacles and failures are stepping stones to success. Stay positive.Always have unshakable faith in your inner infinite power...

Baby Names of 2018!

The Most Popular Baby Names of 2018! Gone are the classics Tom, Dick and Harry for boys. It's long been time to wave farewell to...

life is challenging

“I have realized; it is during the times I am far outside my element that I experience myself the most. That I see and...

women choose not to marry?

Why more women choose not to marry Editor's note: Pepper Schwartz is professor of sociology at the University of Washington and the author of many...

Reasons to Have a Baby

50 Reasons to Have a Baby Have you read the 50 Reasons to Not Have a Baby on Scary Mommy? It really hit home and...

Key To Success

4 Life Changing Tips to Create Personal Success   The great keys to success to change your life have always been the same. 1.Decide exactly what you...

Forget The Bad, And Focus On The Good

There comes a time in your life, when you walk away from all the drama and people who create it. You surround yourself with Forget...

Kindness is not to be mistaken for Weakness

When you smile about the life you live,, you end up living a life worth smiling about. Remember, social comparison is the thief of happiness....

Never make someone a priority when you’re only an option

“Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it? It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens up your heart...

Help circle law

Whether you believe it or not the divine law says “The more you help the more you invite wealth, happiness and prosperity from unexpected source...