If you are interested in overseas positions, the easiest thing to do is contact us for information. Give us a call, or email yourresume to us, and we will contact you.
We will then begin the following process (some of these steps may occur in a different order):
- We discuss vacancies with you, then send you information on your location/position of choice, instructions on how to complete an application file, and all relevant forms.
- We follow-up to see if you have received your information package, and to answer questions. If you receive the package before we call you, feel free to call us for further information.
- You complete the application forms in their entirety, and send them to us with all required documents by fax, email, courier, or mail. PLEASE FORWARD ALL APPLICATIONS AND DOCUMENTS DIRECTLY TO HELEN ZIEGLER & ASSOCIATES INC. You can scan and email your applications to hza@hziegler.com, fax everything to 1-416-977-6128, or mail everything to us at 2403-180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1Z8.
- Once we have your file, we again discuss the vacancies for which you are applying, prepare your employer-specific file, and then send it to the employer.
- The employer usually takes between one to six weeks, to review/approve the applicant. Some departments will conduct phone or skype interviews, some do not.
- We arrange for an interview and information session, which means that we either:
- have a one-on-one session on Skype;
- arrange for an in-person meeting with you.
- If a position is unavailable for you at the first employer, we will submit your file to a different site (if you are in agreement).
- When you are approved for a position, our Logistics Manager will send you a contract package that includes your contract, visa application form, medical forms, and a list of required documents. We will also send additional information, such as packing instructions, details of housing, etc.
- During this stage we like you to contact us as often as you feel is necessary to have all the information you need.
- Once we have received the required visa documents, we submit them to the relevant embassy for processing. Then, your visa and airline ticket will be sent to you — and you are on you way!
At its quickest, the entire process from initial call to arrival on site takes three months.
Call us today at 1-800-387-4616 or email us at hza@hziegler.com.