10 Cities Around The World With The Most Job Opportunities

10 Cities Around The World With The Most Job Opportunities


10 Cities Around The World With The Most Job Opportunities

Thanks to PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) 2014 report on Cities of Opportunity, job seekers have a handy list of some of the best cities to find a job across the world. Using 10 indicators to look at the factors that contribute to a well-balanced city, the study compared 30 different cities and ordered them based on how they rank for the most opportunities. Below, we take a closer look at the top 10.

10. Chicago


qatar airways

Today, Chicago is the third largest city in the U.S.–right after New York City and Los Angeles–with a population of 2.7 million people. Even so, PwC has ranked Chicago positively in cost, quality of life, and air quality. It’s situated in the top 10 for ease of doing business. With around 30 Fortune 500 companies based here, it’s no wonder that the job opportunities are high here.

Job seekers here will flourish best in legal occupations, with an average salary running around $110,060 for this type of work in Chicago, says Bizjournals.com. Other high-paying jobs in the city are those in managerial positions, computer and mathematics, and architecture and engineering.

9. Sydney


Sydney has long held a great reputation for work-life balance, beauty, and friendliness. PwC puts it as number one for sustainability and livability. Sydney is the center of financial, manufacturing, and cultural opportunities in Australia, making it a thriving place for business opportunities.

8. Hong Kong

hong kong

Hong Kong is among one of the best cities in the world for quality of life. In fact, it has one of the highest life expectancies world-wide. What’s more Hong Kong’s economy is ranked number one for economic freedom. Along with all these perks of living in Hong Kong, it’s rated number two by PwC for ease of doing business.

7. Stockholm


As one of the fastest growing cities in Europe, Stockholm comes with numerous business opportunities. Stockholm is booming with a lively tech industry, with nearly 700 high-tech companies in the area. The city also focuses a lot of attention on sustainability and green technology. What’s more, according to Fortune magazine, Stockholm is one of the best cities for start-ups.

6. Paris


Paris sits at the top of PwC’s list for Intellectual Capital and Innovation. It’s full of fantastic museums, respected universities, and exceptional libraries to broaden the mind, adding a perk to individuals who choose to do business here. What’s especially great about the city is that it has some of the lowest unemployment rates in Europe, says JobsinParis.fr. Individuals in human resources, sales, and finance will find some of the highest salaries here.

5. San Francisco

san francisco

The thing that makes San Francisco so hot with opportunities is that it is home to some of the world’s largest companies. Plus, several huge companies like Google have outposts here. Those people in managerial positions, legal occupations, healthcare practitioning, and computer and mathematics will enjoy high salaries as reported by BizJournals.com.

4. Toronto


Toronto maintains a high reputation for quality of life, ranking in the top three for safety, health, infrastructure, and security and transportation in PwC’s report. It also sits at number four for ease of doing business. Toronto thrives on distribution, industrial, and financial industries with a huge focus on banking and stocks.

3. Singapore


This city sits near the top of many lists outlined by PwC. Among these lists, it’s in the top three for transportation and infrastructure, city gateway, and ease of doing business. Singapore’s economy is heavy in electronics, chemicals, and services, and the city is a hub for wealth management, making it a fantastic place for people in a variety of industries. Medical doctors also receive some of the highest salaries here. What’s more, its economy has been ranked as the most open in the world, least corrupt, and most pro-business.

2. New York

new york

New York City is thriving with opportunities as the largest city in the United States, with opportunities available in a variety of industries across the board. PwC ranked the Big Apple in the top three for ease of doing business and second for most desired city for relocation. This city features huge business for stock exchanges and finance, but individuals in fashion, publishing, entertainment, technology, and more will find a wealth of opportunities here.

1. London


Sitting at number one for technology readiness, city gateway, and economic clout in PwC’s report, London is one of the hottest cities for job opportunities today. London is home to the most billionaires world-wide, with an economy focused on finance for international businesses. Senior executives, medical doctors, marketing and sales directors, and individuals in legal occupations will find some of the highest-paying jobs here.

Image Credits:
Chicago via Flickr by Matt Becker
Sydney Once Again via Flickr by Clint Sharp
A Symphony of Light – Hong Kong via Flickr by Spreg Ben
Spring Moon Over Stockholm via Flickr by Tobias Lindman
Paris Skyline at Sunset via Flickr by James Whitesmith
San Francisco Skyline Lighting via Flickr by Sudheer G
Hello Toronto via Flickr by Robert
Singapore via Flickr by Mike Behnken
New York City via Flickr by Rishad Daroowala
Approaching London via Flickr by Trey Ratcliff

Featured photo credit: _Davo_ via flickr.com