The black market is active in the field of sports during the organization of major tournaments and competitions, as it is an illegal trade that exploits the public’s passion and eagerness to attend matches, to achieve great profits.
But this trade will not find a place in the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 .. Why?
Because Qatari law and the measures taken by the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy and FIFA will prevent any opportunity for trade in ticket sales.
** Qatari Law
The Ministry of Justice confirms that all legal measures have been taken to host the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 in accordance with the latest systems and successful experiences, including the development of appropriate mechanisms to prevent the existence of a black market for tickets.
On this matter, lawyer Ahmed Al-Subaie says that the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2020 Hosting Law, issued on 7/29/2021 AD, deals with violations related to commercial activities, including intellectual property rights and commercial rights owned by the International Football Association “FIFA”.
Lawyer Al-Subaie explained in televised statements that in order to preserve FIFA’s exclusive rights regarding intellectual and commercial property, control over the issuance, distribution and sale of tickets for World Cup matches is an exclusive process for FIFA.
He continued: If any other unlicensed company practices, without the knowledge of FIFA, issuing the sale and distribution of tickets, this is considered an illegal competition, and the penalty for that violation is up to one year in prison and a fine of up to 500,000 riyals.
** Legacy Committee:
The Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy announced that FIFA is the only source for purchasing tickets for the Qatar World Cup matches, and not any other platform.
FIFA has put in place decisive measures to prevent the black market in World Cup tickets, as it will prevent the sale or allocation of tickets except through its website.
FIFA also sent a message to fans: If you are unable to attend a match, you can resell all your tickets on the official FIFA resale platform in accordance with the applicable terms, and the FIFA Ticket Resale Platform and Resale Policy will be made available at right on time.
You may not offer tickets for sale, sell, auction, assign, transfer, attempt to transfer or involve a third party to facilitate or solicit offers for transfer of tickets under any circumstances, whether physical or online.
You may not use it or attempt to use it to advertise, promote a promotion, offer to win sweepstakes or contests, or make it a gift or random raffle, or make it part of a hotel package, flight, hospitality, travel or other commercial purposes, except as authorized It is expressly and in writing by FIFA Ticketing and as permitted by the Ticket Terms of Use.