Lavrov talks about the Gaza war.. and the “Palestinian right”
l 3 hours ago
Sky News Arabia – Abu Dhabi

Lavrov to Sky News Arabia: We don’t want the Gaza war to turn into a large-scale war
Lavrov to Sky News Arabia: We don’t want the Gaza war to turn into a large-scale war
Lavrov to Sky News Arabia: We don’t want the Gaza war to turn into a large-scale war
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov condemned, in a special interview with Sky News Arabia in Moscow, the attack by Hamas elements on October 7, but pointed out that it “did not happen out of nowhere.”

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov
A special meeting with Sergey Lavrov

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Lavrov said in the conversation that for decades, UN resolutions stipulating the establishment of a Palestinian state have not been implemented, and that there is almost nothing left of the lands that were designated for the establishment of that state, according to him.

Lavrov said: “I have many friends in Israel, and most of them clearly understand the necessity of resolving the issue of establishing a Palestinian state and that it is not possible to rely on undermining the natural right of the Palestinian people.”

Lavrov criticized the American strategy for dealing with the war in Gaza, stressing that Washington “supports the current Israeli leadership’s violations of all norms of international humanitarian law.” Lavrov continued: “American-style democracy is their own invention, if their system of power and government sometimes allows someone to come to power not who won the largest number of votes of the population, but someone else.”