Authors Posts by administratoir


Why semiconductors are central to world economy, geopolitics Issued on: 13/10/2022 - 08:31 Semiconductor chips are seen on a circuit board of a computer in this illustration picture taken February 25, 2022. Semiconductor chips are seen on a circuit board of a computer in this illustration picture taken February 25, 2022. © Florence Lo, Reuters Text by: Tom WHEELDON 4 min The Chinese Communist Party Congress...
Mini-budget 'complicated' Bank of England's battle to bring down inflation, says IMF chief economist The International Monetary Fund's chief economist warns that inflation is "still going to be high " and it will be an "environment where people are going to feel more pain in terms of their incomes". Ed Conway Economics & data editor @EdConwaySky Wednesday 12 October 2022 21:38, UK Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas...
Human brain tissue implanted into rats integrated and grew with host's brain The research also reports that not only does the human brain tissue survive, but it incorporates itself into the rat brain. Tom Clarke Science and technology editor @aTomClarke Wednesday 12 October 2022 23:38, UK A transplanted human organoid labelled with a fluorescent protein in a section of the rat brain. Pic: Stanford...
Carbon offsets allow some companies to hide poor performance on cutting own emissions, government advisers say Offsets can mask insufficient efforts from firms to cut their own emissions, often deliver less than claimed, and can muscle out other environmental objectives in the rush to capture carbon, the Climate Change Committee warned. Hannah Thomas-Peter Climate change and energy correspondent @hannahtpsky Thursday 13 October 2022...
Capitol riots: Officer attacked by mob describes 'medieval battle scene' ahead of final hearing Michael Fanone has told Sky News he thought he would die after being beaten and struck with a Taser device at the base of his skull, causing him to suffer a heart attack and traumatic brain injury. By James Matthews, US correspondent Thursday 13 October 2022 08:15, UK Pic:...
North Korea says it has test-fired cruise missiles which hit target 1,240 miles away Leader Kim Jong Un oversaw the tests and said his country should expand the capabilities of its nuclear arsenal to deter its enemies, state media said. Samuel Osborne News reporter @samuelosborne93 Thursday 13 October 2022 09:00, UK North Korean leader Kim Jong Un visits the Ryonpho greenhouse farm for its...
DEMOGRAPHICSCharted: The World’s Most Populous Countries (1973–2023)Published 1 day ago on October 11, 2022 By Nick Routley Article/Editing: Raul Amoros Graphics/Design: Joyce Ma Tweet Share Share Reddit Email World at 8 Billion Report VC+ members get access to our World at 8 Billion Report. Gain access to this exclusive new report and webinar by becoming a VC+ member. Data visualization showing the world's top 10 most populous countries over the past 50 years Get...
MININGVisualizing the World’s Largest Iron Ore ProducersPublished 1 day ago on October 11, 2022 By Bruno Venditti Graphics/Design: Sam Parker Tweet Share Share Reddit Email Subscribe to the Elements free mailing list for more like this Visualizing the World’s Largest Iron Ore Producers Visualizing the World’s Largest Iron Ore Producers This was originally posted on Elements. Sign up to the free mailing list to get beautiful visualizations on natural resource...
MISCVisualized: The Best Universities in AmericaPublished 15 hours ago on October 12, 2022 By Avery Koop Graphics/Design: Bhabna Banerjee Tweet Share Share Reddit Email best universities ▼ Use This Visualization Visualized: The Best Universities in America The United States is home to many world-class universities like Harvard, Princeton, and Yale, which boast innovative research programs, famous alumni, prestigious awards, and students and faculty from all over the world. But which schools are...
NEWS Saudi Arabia: OPEC+ decision to reduce oil production 'purely economic' Riyadh has rejected accusations that it was supporting Moscow amid US objections to the slash in oil production. Russia, also a member of OPEC+, stands to gain from rising oil prices. US President Joe Biden sits with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman a tthe Al-Salam Palace...
MIDDLE EAST Oil, the US or Russia: Whose side is Saudi Arabia really on? After an OPEC+ decision to cut oil production, the relationship between the US and Saudi Arabia is in dire straits. Critics say the Saudis are supporting Russia and snubbing the Americans deliberately. Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Russian leader, Vladimir Putin. More...
BUSINESS Energy crisis: Europe faces winter(s) of discontent with high prices here to stay OPEC's decision to cut oil production has put the cat among the pigeons for EU and US policymakers facing a winter of energy shortages, rising prices and slowing growth. What happens next is anyone's guess. An oil worker standing next to oil pipelines The decision...
GERMANY What is Germany's IRIS-T air defense system? Germany has delivered the first of four high-tech air-defense missile systems to Ukraine. The IRIS-T is designed to protect cities and armies from air attacks. Air defense system IRIS-T SLM The IRIS-T SLM is considered one of the most advanced air defense systems in the world Ukraine now owns one of the...
HEALTH Cancer screening using a colonoscopy is less effective than expected, new landmark study suggests A landmark study found that inviting people to a colonoscopy didn’t cut the risk of colon cancer and related deaths as much as expected. A landmark study found that inviting people to a colonoscopy didn’t cut the risk of colon cancer and related deaths as much as...