Over the years, the desire to get permanent residency in Qatar or getting the duration of tourist or official visa extended has become very common given the quality of life the country has to offer. In this regard, some changes into the issuance of Permanent Residency Permits were brought by the Emir of the State of Qatar Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani in the issue Law No. (10) of 2018.
There has been many sweeping changes into the issuance of the permit by the government which includes regulatory and administrative laws as well. not only does the changes apply to one’s legal status but also to their wages earned in the country. But some of the changes mentioned were as follows:
- Changes in the labour and immigration laws
- The introduction of the Wages Protection System
- Abolishment of the exit permits
Most of the changes brought in through legislation indicated that the state wants to retain the talent which comes from outside while providing long-term employment and residency in the country.
Salary wise requirement
For people to even be considered for permanent residency or extension of stay, they must qualify in the salary parameter which has been framed in the following order:
- Minimum salary without accommodation – 10000 QR
- Minimum salary with accommodation from sponsor – 7000 QR
Qualification for getting a permanent residency –
Those seeking permanent residency in the country must fulfil the following criterion so as to qualify:
- They must have lived in Qatar for a minimum of 20 consecutive years if born outside of Qatar or 10 years if born in Qatar;
- Must be fluent in Arabic;
- Must not have any criminal cases pending or be free of criminal convictions;
- Must carry evidence that their income is sufficient to support them and their family (if any) in Qatar, the minimum value of such income will be determined by the Qatar government in the near future (the details have been provided above)
Documents and details required
The following documents must be carried by the applicant at the time of application –
- Valid visa of the applicant
- Marriage certificate
- Family housing accommodation or allowance by the sponsor
- A letter issued by the government or private employer clearly stating that the applicant has the required salary
- A six month bank statement from an accredited bank
Benefits of holding permanent residency in Qatar
There are certain benefits that a permanent residency holder of Qatar can enjoy. They are –
- They can live outside of Qatar for longer than 6 months and yet not have their permit cancelled.
- Access to public and government funded healthcare and education
- Permanent residency also to spouses and children below 18 years
- They would be able to register businesses in various economic sector without having the requirement of a local Qatari joint venture partner
- They would be able to invest in real estate and other sector which is exclusive for Qatari nationals.