timthumb-6The Labour Law No. 14/2004 on the obligations of the employee towards the employer points out that the employee is committed to perform the work himself. He is also committed not to work for others, whether with wage or without it.

The Law No. 4 / 2009 on the regulation of the entry and exit of expatriates, their residence and sponsorship adds that the expatriate, who has been permitted to stay to work with a particular body, must not violate the purpose for which he has been permitted.

The law also warns any natural or juristic person of allowing the expatriates who are recruited for the work to work for others or using the workers who are not under his sponsorship.

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With the exception, the concerned authority while implementing the law can permit the sponsor to second the expatriates to another employer to work for him for a period not exceeding six months, renewable for another similar period.

The authority can also permit the expatriate to work for some time with other party in non original working hours if his sponsor approves in writing. In all cases the approval of the Ministry of Labour for the categories subject to the provisions of labor law is mandatory.

Therefore, the workers must comply with the provisions of the law and follow the ways set by the law while working for other than the sponsor through the secondment or by obtaining the permission to work with the other party in non working hours.

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Source: qatarday