Sidra (Qatar) cardiovascular care centre

Sidra unveils cardiovascular care centre plans Prof Ziyad Hijazi: chair of the Department of Paediatrics, and acting chief medical officer of Sidra. The Sidra Medical and...

QCS honours boat racer

QCS honours boat racer for spreading cancer awareness Doha - THE Chairman of Qatar Cancer Society (QCS) Dr Sheikh Khalid bin Jabor al Thani has...

Qatar’s only certified organic farm

Qatar’s only certified organic farm gears up for expansion Organic tomatoes on Al Safwa farm The only farm in Qatar to grow internationally-certified organic vegetables is...

‘Victory is in sight’ in the fight Ebola

'Victory is in sight' in the fight against Ebola Sierra Leone has lifted several anti-Ebola measures which have greatly weakened the nation's economy. President Ernest...

Doha-based team in cancer research

Doha-based team in cancer research breakthrough Dr Bella Guerrouahen in the lab at WCMC-Q. Cancer researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar (WCMC-Q) have made...

Lack of exercise could be more deadly

Report: lack of exercise could be more deadly than obesity Researchers have found that high levels of inactivity could be the culprit behind hundreds of...

Ebola spreads in Sierra Leone

Ebola spreads in Sierra Leone as deaths rise above 7,900 The year-long Ebola epidemic has claimed close to 8,000 lives, with more than 20,000 people...

Saudi Arabia is largest soft drinks

Saudi Arabia is largest soft drinks consumer in the Middle East According to industry estimates, sales of soft drinks are expected to continue to experience...

Rising Ebola figures cause alarm

Rising Ebola figures cause alarm The latest figures from the World Health Organization show another increase in the Ebola death toll. Nearly 6,600 people have...

Chemicals may cause IQ drop

Exposure to common household chemicals may cause IQ drop These dolls arriving from China were seized due to the high levels of phthalates. (CNN) -- A...

Ebola virus in Geneva clinic

Cuban doctor recovers from Ebola virus in Geneva clinic A Cuban doctor who contracted the Ebola while working in Sierra Leone has been declared clear...

Making You Age Faster

Your Afternoon Soda Could Be Making You Age Faster A soda a day could be making your skin look older, new research finds. If the threat...

100 Years of Healthy Habits

100 Years of Healthy Habits: Secrets of Chinese Centenarians At 115, Boxin Huang is the oldest resident of China’s Bapan Village, also called Longevity Village....

Report Claims Success Treating Alzheimer’s

Report Claims Success Treating Alzheimer's Memory Loss But experts won't embrace this 36-point program of lifestyle changes and supplements without more research. A researcher is reporting...