Al Wakra Hospital has started implementing a new patient service, by forming a medical team to treat acute post-operative pain and burn patients under the supervision of a medical and nursing staff.
The medical team includes three nurses who specialize in treating pain under the supervision of a specialized doctor, provided that the team is increased with the expansion of service provision to the rest of the patients.
Dr. Abdullah Nazzal, a consultant in pain therapy and anesthesia at Al Wakra Hospital, said that pain treatment is one of the branches of medicine where multidisciplinary methods are employed to alleviate the suffering caused by pain and improve the quality of life of patients who suffer from pain, especially those with severe cases, as the new service focuses on Apply the latest scientifically proven guidelines and rules in acute pain management practices.
He pointed out that after the patient leaves the surgery, he begins to feel pain and discomfort, which prompts the medical team to search for a way to alleviate that, and the task of the medical team specializing in acute pain treatment that follows the patient’s condition since leaving the operating room and entering the recovery room, where He follows him daily until he is released from the hospital.
Dr. Nazzal reviewed the benefits that positively accrue to the improvement of the patient’s health as a result of following the method of relieving and treating pain, including feeling physical and psychological comfort, and not being afraid of undergoing another surgery if his health condition requires that, in addition to maintaining a stronger immune system for the patient as a result of the retraction of feeling. With pain, thus the chance of recovery increases and he can move faster and the chances of him being exposed to infections and strokes are reduced, and accordingly his stay in the hospital decreases, which entails a lower cost and the availability of more beds, which gives the opportunity for other patients to perform more surgeries, and thus the waiting lists are less than before. .
The acute pain treatment team received intensive training for a whole year in the recovery rooms, on how to install devices and follow up their use by the patient, as well as intensive theoretical training through many lectures and educational workshops, while the team members in turn train the rest of the nurses in a form. Weekly theoretical and practical training.
It is expected that this service will be expanded to include the rest of the patients, with more nursing staff being trained and implemented in various HMC hospitals.
Al Wakra Hospital launches acute pain treatment service for surgery and burns patients