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Busting The Biggest Bodybuilding Myths
There are endless statistics and facts related to bodybuilding, but among them are misleading myths. Click here to see some of the biggest bodybuilding myths busted.

Busting The Biggest Bodybuilding Myths
Bodybuilding is an art form. By definition, it’s a strenuous activity that aims to strengthen and enlarge the muscles. Depending on how seriously you take it, it’s a strenuous activity indeed. Some people bodybuild for fun, some train because they want to look better, and some do it professionally and dedicate their heart and soul to it. In the US, around 15% of people who partake in physical exercise will lift weights, but not all of them enlarge their muscles. Sometimes it’s to tone or to lose weight – what makes it bodybuilding is committing to the aesthetic of muscle gain. Over the years, many bodybuilding myths have circulated, creating a confusing environment for newbies.

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Below, we’ll bust some of the most common bodybuilding myths with a few tips to help kickstart or improve your journey.

Taking Tons Of Supplements Is Essential
Taking many supplements isn’t essential, but taking the right supplements is. Some people out there will tell you that your diet is enough to provide your body with what it needs, but science will tell you differently. Bodybuilders who want to gain muscle and mass should look into creatine and whey protein – this is essential, if nothing else – weight gainers, and even steroids Canada, America, or from around the world. Yes, you will find conflicting opinions about steroid use, but taking them responsibly is what many bodybuilders do, including the professionals competing in some of the most well-known competitions.

Glutamine, zinc, magnesium, fish oils, and nitric oxide should also feature in the roster. Depending on how seriously you’re taking your bodybuilding, you could work with a professional to tailor your supplement requirements.

The Bigger The Weight, The Better
Technically speaking, yes. Progressive overload – increasing weights at various points during a training regime – is key to putting on muscle mass. However, it’s a myth to think this is the only way to gain muscle. Large weight volume and less repetition create muscle hypertrophy, whereas training using less weight and more repetitions produces muscle toning and endurance. Both complement one another – many experts recommend switching between the two to create the ultimate physique.

Training Fasted Vs. Not Fasting
That is a topic for great debate amongst those training and professionals that boils down to personal preference – but both have benefits. Training fasted has one goal, to aid fat loss, which is the ultimate goal of bodybuilding alongside the physique. The lower the body fat percentage is, the better the muscle definition.

Be warned, however – training fasted consistently can burn muscle, result in poor performance, and increase recovery times. When lifting heavy weights, the body needs energy and fuel to cope with the physical strain of the exercise. Lower repetition days, for example, are more suitable for fasted training.

There’s an endless list of bodybuilding myths – the diet you should consume, the time of day you should train, and the workout pattern you should follow. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another – find your bodybuilding flow and discover what works for your body.

Source: Ocere Ltd


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