Qatar is exerting efforts to draw the youth towards initiatives meant to achieve the goals of sustainable development, in a bid to ensure the active youth participation, a senior official has said.
“Qatar is motivating young people to participate in activities meant to implement the Sustainable Development Goals. The country is enhancing the capacities of young people,” Abdul Hadi al-Shawi, director, Technical Office of the Permanent Population Committee in Qatar, told Gulf Times on the sidelines of the ongoing Doha Islamic Youth Forum recently.
Al-Shawi, who presented a paper on ‘Strengthening the development capacities of youth in Qatar’ on the second day of the forum, said the youth are a major human resource for development and they are actors in social change and future-building.
“Therefore, Qatar is working to expand youth choices to ensure their diverse participation in development,” he said, adding that the population policy of Qatar looks to expand opportunities for young people — both male and female — and ensure their participation in developing the society and public life.
“The State of Qatar has paid particular attention to young people, enabling them to work in education, employment, health and other sectors by harnessing a modern and diversified infrastructure, adopting various programmes and providing multiple resources that are aimed at empowering young people in various vital areas,” al-Shawi stressed.
Further, the official noted that youth participation in development is one of the goals of Qatar National Vision 2030.
“The areas of youth participation in Qatar are diverse, and include multiple opportunities for engagement in civil society, such as individual, group, governmental and voluntary activities,” he added.