25 Mar 2018 – 14:12

Khartoum: Sudanese Minister of Youth and Sports Dr. Abdul Karim Musa said that more than 4 million young people in the Darfur states benefited from the gains of the Doha Document for Peace in Darfur and contributed to enhancing the sustainability of security and stability, reflecting a positive image of the region through their approach to work and production and to the achievement of great successes to expand the circle of peace for all.
In a statement to Qatar News Agency (QNA) on Sunday, Dr. Abdul Karim Musa said that this approach established the real stability in the region and resulted in the absorption of a segment of young people, who constitute a high proportion of the population of Darfur, in the development process in the country, adding that the peace process in Darfur served the rest of the youth people of Sudan who benefited from the promising opportunities that were available in Darfur to participate positively in construction and reconstruction projects.
The Sudanese Minister underlined that his ministry benefited greatly from the strategies set by the State of Qatar in the Doha Document regarding the sectors of youth and sports by providing infrastructure beside the Sudanese government’s fulfillment of its obligations under the agreement.
He also stressed that the youth sector is the primary beneficiary of the Doha Peace Document in Darfur, because it is a vital sector that has now embarked towards education and development and what benefits the country in vital disciplines for future periods to meet the needs of peace.
He pointed out that the peace process in Darfur now focuses on the fact that the conflicts end and that societies have turned to a new agenda of recovery, benefiting from smart partnerships with the international community to serve the youth sector.
Dr. Abdul Karim explained that the ministry has responded to the requirements of the Doha Document, which resulted in the formation of more than 54 football teams and other sports activities, as well as the formation of youth networks for production and funding institutions supporting them.
What the Doha Document has achieved on the ground during the past five years is the reason for the prosperity enjoyed by Darfur now, which is positively reflected on the stability of the country because it was established on solid foundations, he stressed.
He added that the peace process established by the State of Qatar in Sudan was not easy, but came after painstaking efforts and local, regional and international tours in which the State of Qatar presented a model of patience and perseverance that brought the Doha Document to be an international document recognized by the world and a basis of peace in Darfur.
The Sudanese Minister of Youth and Sports referred to Qatar’s efforts which included the establishment of model villages and the building of sustainable development institutions in accordance with the Doha Document, adding that these efforts opened broad prospects for young people to contribute positively by encouraging young people who were in the armed movements to return to their homes, as well as to enforce the document’s entitlements of arms collection, security arrangements, demobilization of armed forces movements and adjust their status and their reintegration into communities.
Moreover, he stressed that this resulted in a high degree of reassurance enhanced by the processes of development rules established by the State of Qatar in Darfur which amounted to more than 1770 diverse projects in the field of health, education, water and others.
The Sudanese Minister of Youth and Sports Dr. Abdul Karim Musa Abdul Karim said that these projects have created promising opportunities for work and production, indicating that the youth of Darfur have realized that the peace process has become a reality, and that the Doha Document has met their demands.
The Doha Document for Peace in Darfur was mediated by Qatar on July 14, 2011, between the Sudanese government and the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) which includes a group of dissident movements, many of them joined the Document and then engaged in the process of peace and national dialogue.