Allergy Types

Learn the types of allergies including food allergies, seasonal allergies, pet allergies, and many more.


Food Allergies

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Food Allergies and Food Intolerance
Food allergies or food intolerances affect nearly everyone at some point. People often have an unpleasant reaction to something they ate and wonder if they have a food allergy.

Milk Allergy
If you suffer from a milk allergy, strictly avoiding milk and food containing milk and milk products is the only way to prevent a reaction, which can include immediate wheezing, vomiting, and hives.

Egg Allergy
Egg allergies — especially to egg whites — are more common in children than in adults and reactions range from mild to severe.

Wheat Allergy
If you are allergic to any wheat protein strictly avoiding wheat and wheat products is the only way to prevent a reaction, which can include stomach upset, eczema, allergic rhinitis, bronchospasm (asthma-like symptoms) and even anaphylaxis.

Nut (Peanut) Allergy
If you suffer from a nut allergy, strictly avoiding nuts, including peanuts and tree nuts like cashews and walnuts, and food containing nuts is the only way to prevent a reaction.


Source: Webmd