Father of Orlando Shooter is Long-time CIA Asset; The Orlando Shooting. Many things are just not right with this story, including the father of the alleged shooter Omar Mateen, an Afghan-American, Seddique Mateen, who is closely linked to some of the most powerful leaders and agencies in Washington DC.

Below is a photo of Omar’s father after a meeting at the US State Dept. in Washington DC where he met with “officials”, but oddly, no log of his visit is available in the public record.

The alleged shooter’s father played an absolute key role in setting up the entire “hate crime” narrative by inserting this quote into the MSM machine during the immediate aftermath of the sensationalized media event. Seddique Mateen said:

qatar airways

“We were in Downtown Miami, Bayside, people were playing music, and he saw two men kissing each other in front of his wife and kid and he got very angry. They were kissing each other and touching each other and he said, ‘Look at that. In front of my son they are doing that.’ And they we were in the men’s bathroom and men were kissing each other.”

For the media, and every other political leader in the US, this was now classified as a “hate crime”, and so… case closed. In other words, a simple story line with real traction was now baked firmly into this event – about a homophobic, “ISIS-inspired,” crazed ‘lone gunman’ who ‘went postal’ in a Orlando gay nightclub, and coincidentally, on the eve of an international Gay Pride celebration day.

Then came the first twist. Just 24 hours later, we learn from a report in the Orlando Sentinel that the alleged shooter Omar Mateen was in fact a frequent visitor for years at the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando.“It was definitely him. He’d come in for years, and people knew him,” one customer said. Another Pulse customer, Kevin West, even stated on record that he had been talking with Mateen for up to one year on a gay-chat mobile app.

So, based on this updated information, this could not have been a “hate crime” because Omar Mateen was most likely gay himself, albeit in the closet.

Likewise, this change in the story would also nullify much of the identity politics rhetoric currently being spun around this incident – like this statement released by Hillary Clinton within hours of the main event:
Father of Orlando Shooter is Long-time CIA Asset

If it wasn’t strange enough to discover that the alleged shooter, Omar Mateen, worked as a contractor for the US Department of Homeland Security, then we learned that the elder Mateen is also standing to run for President of Afghanistan and is allied with the Taliban leadership – an absolutely ideal profile for a Washington-managed, CIA controlled-opposition political candidate.

Seddique states: “I order national army, national police and intelligence department to immediately imprison Karzai, Ashraf Ghani, Zalmay Khalilzad, Atmar, and Sayyaf.”

“They are against our countrymen, and against our homeland,” he added.