Here is the Directories for Embassies in Qatar
Algeria Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 44835880/44838729
- Fax: +974 44836923/44836072
- Email: info@embalgdoha.com.qa
- Site: http://www.embalgeria.com.qa/index.php/fr/
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
Argentine Republic, The Embassy
- Area: Rawdat Ehraish St., Villa 6, Zone 66, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4417 3601
- Fax: +974 974 4427 3609
- Emergency call (24 hours): +974 5039 8775
- Email: eqatr@mrecic.gov.ar
- Site: http://eqatr.mrecic.gov.ar/en
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 08:30 am – 03:30 pm (government office); Sunday to Thursday: 9 am to 1 pm (office)
Australia, The Embassy
- Area: Tornado Tower, Level 21, Majlis Al Taawon Street, Dafna, Post Box 22131, Doha – Qatar.
- Tel: +974 4007 8500
- Emergency call: +61 2 6261 3305 or SMS +61 421 269 080
- Fax: +974 4007 8503
- Email: embassy.doha@dfat.gov.au
- Site: http://qatar.embassy.gov.au
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 4 pm
Austria, The Embassy
- Area: Palm Tower B, Level 33, West Bay, Dafna, P.O. Box 12011, Doha – Qatar.
- Tel: +974 4033 7300/4033 7301/4033 7302
- Emergency call: +974 3321 1450
- Fax: +974 40337373
- Email: doha-ob@bmeia.gv.at
- Site: http://bmeia.gv.at/en/austrian-consulate-doha
- Working hours: only with appointment
Bangladesh, The Embassy of the People’s Republic
- Area: Building no. 153, Street no. 820, Zone 43, New Al Hilal, Doha – Qatar.
- Tel: +974 4467 1927/4467 3471/4467 8443
- Fax: +974 4467 1190
- Email: bdootqat@gmail.com
- Site: www.bdembassydoha.org
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 7:30 am – 2:30 pm
Belgium, The Embassy
- Area: Al Sanaa Street, District 64 (between Al Markhiya and Al Jamia Avenue), PO Box 24418, Doha-Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 1542/4493 1499
- Fax: +974 4493 0151
- Emergency call: +974 6661 8985
- Email: doha@diplobel.fed.be
- Site: http://diplomatie.belgium.be/qatar
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Embassy-of-Belgium-in-Qatar/765709360149363?ref=hl
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 1 pm
Bulgaria, The Embassy
- Area: Waraqa Bin Nawfal, Street no. 848, Building no. 98, Zone 66, West Bay, Dafna, PO Box 23812, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4412 0023
- Fax: +974 4412 0024
- Emergency call: +974 5051 1812
- Email: embassy.doha@mfa.bg
- Site: https://www.mfa.bg/en/consulates/qatar
- Working hours: Sunday to Thursday: 9:30 am – 12.30 pm
Brazil, The Embassy
- Area: Building 20, Street 980, Wadi Al-Hadab, Al Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 8227/4483 8812
- Consular: Extensions: 232/234/230
- Email: brasemb.doha@itamaraty.gov.br (general); consular.doha@itamaraty.gov.br (consular)
- Site: http://doha.itamaraty.gov.br/pt-br/
- Opening timing: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am to 12 pm
Canada, The Embassy
- Area: 30th Floor, Tornado Tower, Corner of Majlis Al Taawon Street and Al Funduq Street, PO Box 24876, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4419 9000
- Fax: +974 4419 9035
- Emergency Tel: +1 613 996 8885
- Email: dohag@international.gc.ca
- Site: www.canadainternational.gc.ca/qatar/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CanEmbQat/
- Timings: Sunday to Thursday, 8.00 – 16.00 (working hours); Monday and Wednesday, 9.00 – 12.00 (consular hours)
China, The Embassy of the People’s Republic
- Area: Building 250, Street 801, Zone 66, PO Box 17200, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 4203
- Fax: +974 44934201
- Email: chinaemb-qa@mfa.gov.cn
- Site: http://qa.china-embassy.org/eng/
Costa Rica, The Embassy
- Area: Villa No. 40, Street No. 835, Zone 64, Lejbailat, Doha – Qatar.
- Tel: +974 4498 0094
- Emergency call : +974 6613 4894
- Fax: +974 4498 0106
- Email: info@costaricaembassy-qatar.net (data); consular@costaricaembassy-qatar.net (consular undertakings); secretary@costaricaembassy-qatar.net (secretary)
- Site: http://www.costaricaembassy-qatar.net/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 12 pm (only appointment)
- Telephone service: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am to 4 pm
Cuba, The Consular Office of the Embassy
- Area: Villa 41, 802 Street, Zone 66, New Dafna, West Bay Lagoon, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4411 0714/4411 0717
- Emergency call : +974 6613 4894
- Fax: +974 4411 0387
- Email: embacubacatar@gmail.com/embacuba@qatar.net.qa
- Site: http://www.misiones.minrex.gob.cu/qatar
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 2 pm (business hours); Sunday to Wednesday: 8:30 am – 1 pm (consular administrations)
Cyprus, The Embassy
- Area: Saba Saha 12 Street, Building. No. 3, District 63, Dafna, PO Box 24482, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 4390/4493 4391/4493 3086
- Fax: +974 4493 3087
- Email: kyprosdoha@cyprusembassy.org (government office); qasecretary@cyprusembassy.org.qa (secretary); admin@cyprusembassy.org.qa (organization office); consulardoha@cyprusembassy.org.qa (consular office)
Denmark, Consulate General
- Dubai (Acts as a non-inhabitant consulate for Denmark)
- Area: Villa 208, Al Bateel Street, Al Thanya Road, Umm Suqueim 2, PO Box 2988, Dubai – UAE
- Tel: +971 4 526 8700
- Fax: +971 4 348 0899
- Email: dxbgkl@um.dk
- Site: http://fae.um.dk
Dominican Republic, Embassy
- Area: Building No. 189, Street 250, Sharq Plaza, D-Dring Road, Zone 44, Doha – Qatar
- Telephone: +974 4411 3868
- Fax: +974 4411 3267
- Email: info@domrepemb-qatar.com
- Site: http://www.domrepemb-qatar.com
- Opening times: 9:30 am – 1:30pm
Ethiopia, The Embassy of the Federal Democratic Republic
- Area: Um Guwaifa Street no. 804, Al Qutaifiya no. 66 PO Box 24856, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4020 7000
- Fax: +974 4471 9588
- Email: ethio@ethiopiaembassydoha.org ; consular@ethiopiaembassydoha.org
- Site: https://www.ethiopiaembassydoha.org/
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 8 am – 2 pm
Finland, The Embassy
- Abu Dhabi (Acts as a non-inhabitant consulate for Finland)
- Area: Al Masaood Tower,Sheikh Hamdan Street, twelfth Floor, Suite No. 1202, PO Box 3634, Abu Dhabi – UAE
- Tel: +971 2632 8927/2632 5063
- Email: consulate.abo@formin.fi (department) ; coim.abo@formin.fi (appointments; passport and residence grant matters) ; embassy.abo@formin.fi (embassy’s office)
- Site: http://www.finland.ae
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/FinnishEmbassyAbuDhabi
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinlandEmbUAE
- Abu Dhabi Opening hours: Sunday – Thursday: 8 am – 15.45 (available time); Sunday – Thursday: 9 am – 10 am (get hours – by arrangement as it were)
France, The Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, Doha Corniche Street (past the Sheraton Hotel), West Bay, PO Box 2669 Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4402 1777/4402 1755
- Fax: +974 4402 1701
- Emergency call: +974 6684 5083
- Email: contact@ambafrance-qa.org
- Site: https://qa.ambafrance.org/-English-
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/france.diplomacy
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/franceauqatar
- Opening times: Sunday – Wednesday: 8:30 am – 12 pm (just by arrangement)
Germany, The Embassy of the Federal Republic
- Area: 6, Al Jazira Al Arabiya Street, PO Box 3064, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4408 2300
- Fax: +974 4486 3129/4408 2333
- Email: info@doha.diplo.de
- Site: http://www.doha.diplo.de
- Opening times: Sundays – Thursdays: 11 am – 12 pm (consular administrations, visas: By appointment; visa: Please book your appointment by means of our specialist co-op VFS; types of documents (just for candidates that have applied at the Embassy directly; it would be ideal if you give collection slip).
Ghana, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Villa 7, Street no. 576, Zone 66, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4436 4486/4437 3448/4498 6094
- Email: doha@mfa.gov.gh
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 3 pm (general); Sunday to Wednesday: 8:30 am – 12 pm (consular)
Georgia, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 19, Street no. 941, Zone 63, Onaiza, PO Box 24118, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4473 9499
- Fax: +974 4473 9495
- Emergency call: +995 32 294 5000
- Email: doha.emb@mfa.gov.ge
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 9 am – 5 pm
Haitian Embassy in Doha, Qatar
- P.O. Box 10812
- (+974) 3133 2215
- ambhaiti.qatar@diplomatie.ht
- Francois Guillaume II, Chargé d’Affaires a.i.
- No information available
India, The Embassy
- Area: Villa no. 86 and 90, Street no. 941, Eithra Street, Zone 63, Onaiza, PO Box 2788, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4425 5777
- Email: ambassadorindia@qatar.net.qa
- Site: www.indianembassyqatar.gov.in
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IndianEmbassyQatar/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/IndEmbDoha
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 9 am – 5:30 pm
Indonesia, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Al Mashed Street, Al Salata Al Jadeeda, PO Box 22375, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4465 7945/4466 4981/4465 7436/4466 2759
- Fax: +974 4465 7610
- Emergency call: +974 3332 2875
- Email: admin@kbridoha.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kbri.doha.1
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 8.30 am – 11.30 am
Italy, The Embassy
- Area: 23° Piano, Al Fardan Office Tower, 61 Funduq Street, West Bay, PO Box 24081, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 1828/4483 1802
- Fax: +974 4483 1909
- Email: doha.ambasciata@esteri.it (general email); doha.consolare@esteri.it (consular services); doha.visti2@esteri.it (visa services)
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 08:30 am to 1:30pm (consular administrations, by arrangement just); 12pm – 1pm (visa administrations)
Japan, The Embassy
- Area: Building no. 50, Al-Shabab Street no. 910, Zone 66, New Diplomatic Zone, Onaiza, PO Box 2208, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4440 9000
- Fax: 974 4029 3655
- Email: eojqatar@dh.mofa.go.jp
- Site: http://www.qa.emb-japan.go.jp
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 7:15 am – 4 pm; consular area: 7:30 am – 3 pm; visa application: 7:30 am – 12 pm; visa assortment: 10 am – 3 pm
Jordan, The Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, West Bay, P.O. Box 2366, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2202/4483 2202
- Fax: +974 4483 2173
- Emergency call: +974 5518 9559
- Email: doha@fm.gov.jo
- Site: http://www.jordanembassydoha.gov.jo
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm
Kazakhstan, The Embassy of the Republic
- Areas: Saha 93, Zone 66, Dafna, PO Box 23513, Doha-Qatar
- Tel: +974 44128015
- Fax: +974 4412 8014
- Email: doha@mfa.kz
- Emergency call: +974 5005 7878/5039 9914
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KazEmbassyQatar/
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm; Friday: 10 am to 1 pm
Kenya, The Embassy
- Area: House no. 131, Street no. 840, Zone 66, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 1870/4483 1730
- Email: information@kenyaembassydoha.com
- Site: http://www.kenyaembassydoha.com/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm (general); 9 am – 2 pm (consular segment)
Korea, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Al Shabab Street, New Diplomatic Area, Onaiza 66, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2238/4483 2239
- Fax: +974 4483 3264
- Email: Koemb_qa@mofa.go.kr
- Opening times: 7:30 am – 12 pm, 1 pm – 3:30 pm
Kuwait, The Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, West Bay, Dafna, PO Box: 1177, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2111/4483 2127
- Fax: +974 4483 2042
- Emergency call: +974 3334 1200
- Email: doha.sec@mofa.gov.kw
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 7:30 am – 2 pm
Lebanon, The Embassy of the Republic
- Address: Building 55, Street no. 10, PO Box 2411, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 3330
- Fax: +974 4493 3331
- Email: lebanondoha@hotmail.com ; embleb@qatar.net.q
- Site: http://www.doha.mfa.gov.lb/qatar/english/home
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EmbassyOfLebanonInQatar/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday to 8 am – 1 pm
Macedonia (North), Embassy
- Area: Villa No.28, Al Ithar Street, Villa No.28, Dafna, Diplomatic Area, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 1374
- Fax: +974 44831572
- Email: doha@mfa.gov.mk
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 3 pm
Malaysia, The Embassy
- Area: Zone 66, Lusail Street, West Bay, PO Box 23760, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 6463/4483 6493
- Fax: +974 4483 6453/
- Email: mwdoha.kln@1govuc.gov.my
- Site: http://www.kln.gov.my/web/qat_doha/home
- Opening times: Sunday – Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm; Consular: 8:30 am – 2.30 pm
Morocco, The Embassy of the Kingdom
- Area: Diplomatic Area, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 1884/44831885
- Fax: +974 4483 3416
- Email: m.embassydoha@maec.gov.ma
- Opening times: Sundays – Thursday: 9 am – 1 pm
Nepal, The Embassy
- Area: Street Number 681, Rawdat Umm Al Theyab Street, , Abu Hamour Area (Ain Khaled), Zone Number 56, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 44675680/4467 5681
- Email: eondoha@mofa.gov.np ; nembdoha@gmail.com
- Site: http://qa.nepalembassy.gov.np
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/eondoha/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm
Netherlands, The Embassy
- Area: eighteenth Floor Al Fardan Tower, Al Funduq Street, PO Box 23675, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4495 4700
- Fax: +974 4483 6340
- VFS Helpline: +974 4423 1186
- Email: doh@minbuza.nl
- Site: http://qatar.nlembassy.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NetherlandsEmbassyQatar/
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 4 pm (by arrangement just except if in any case showed)
Nigeria, The Embassy
- Area: Building 39, 941 Istiqbal Street, Zone 63, Dafna, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4448 5000/4493 6346
- Email: enquiries@nigeriadoha.com
- Site: www.nigerianembdoha.gov.ng
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 3 pm
Norway, The Embassy
- Abu Dhabi (Acts as a non-resident international safe haven for Norway) (Non-resident)
- Area: Level 11, Tower No. 3, Tower No. 3, Etihad Towers, West Corniche, PO Box 47270, Abu Dhabi – UAE
- Tel: +971 24038400/24038401
- Email: emb.abudhabi@mfa.no
- Site: http://www.norway.ae
Panama, The Embassy
- Area: Villa no.4, Street 534, Zone 66, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 7740
- Fax: +974 4483 7477
- Email: embpanamaqatar@mire.gob.pa
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm
Pakistan, The Embassy
- Area: 30 Diplomatic St, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2525/444832235
- Fax: +974 44832227
- Email: parepdoha@mofa.gov.pk ; parepqat@qatar.net.qa
- Site: http://www.mofa.gov.pk/qatar/
- Opening times: 8 am (manual token issuance for MRP/NICOP); 8 am – 12 pm (MRP/manual visa/NICOP applications/reports submission); 1 pm – 3 pm (visa/NICOP/records collection/delivery)
Paraguay, The Embassy
- Area: Building 14, Street 505, Al Mebahej Street, Zone 66, West Bay Area, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 5218/5530 2232
- Fax: +974 4414 8247
- Emergency call: +974 5530 9495
- Email: embapar.qatar@mre.gov.py
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am to 1 pm
Peru, The Embassy
- Area: Building 42, Street 835, Lejbailat, Zone 64, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4491 5943/5944
- Emergency call: +974 55942453
- Fax: +974 4491 5940
- Email: info@peruembassy.com.qa
- Site: http://www.consulado.pe/es/doha/Paginas/Inicio.aspx
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/embajadaperuqata
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 pm – 3 pm
Philippines, The Embassy of The Republic
- Area: Street no. 860, Zone 68, Jelaiah Area, PO Box 24900, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 1585/4483 1595
- Email: dohape@dfa.gov.ph
- Site: http://dohape.dfa.gov.ph
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 5 pm
Russia, The Embassy
- Area: Villa no. 8, Street no. 804, Area no. 66, New Doha (Qataifiya), Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 6231/4483 6821
- Fax: +974 4483 6243
- Email: rusemb@qatar.net.qa
- Site: http://www.qatar.mid.ru
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 2 pm
Oman, The Embassy of the Sultanate
- Area: Building no. 18, Area no. 66, New Diplomatic territory, Dafna, P O Box 1525, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 1514/4493 1910
- Fax: +974 44932278
- Email: office.omanembassy@gmail.com
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 7:30 am – 2 pm
Serbia, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Umm Al Seneem no. 5, Zone 66, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4417 5181
- Fax: +974 4443 9656
- Email: embsrbqat@gmail.com
- Opening times: 8:30 pm – 4:30 pm (general); 10 am – 12 pm (consular area)
Senegal, the Embassy
- Area: Building no. 1, Saha 252, Ibn Al Moutas Street, Onaiza Zone 65, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 44837644
- Fax: +974 4483 8872
- Email: amsendo@qatarnet.ga
- Opening times: 9 am – 4 pm
Singapore, The Embassy
- Area: New West Bay Area (Off Lusail Street), PO Box 24497, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4412 8082/4412 8083
- Emergency call: +974 5548 8608
- Fax: +974 4412 8180/4412 8183
- Email: singemb_doh@sgmfa.gov.sg
- Site: https://www1.mfa.gov.sg/doha
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
South Africa, The Embassy of
- Area: West Bay, PO Box 24744, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 55832762/4485 7111/4483 5961
- Email: doha.admin@dirco.gov.za
South Korea, The Embassy of the Republic
- Area: Diplomatic Area, West Bay, Post Box No. 3727, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 2238/4483 2239/4483 3264
- Email: koemb_qa@mofa.go.kr
- Site: http://qat.mofa.go.kr
Spain, The Embassy
- Area: Lusail Street (Al Isteqlal Avenue), West Bay, PO Box 24616, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 55862411/4483 5886/4483 5901/4483 588
- Email: emb.doha@maec.es
Sri Lanka, The Embassy
- Area: Building no. 21, Street no. 860, Area no. 4, Zone 47, Al Raheeb Road, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4467 7627/4467 7647/4467 4788/7021 4259
- Email: slemb.doha@mfa.gov.lk
Sudan, The Embassy
- Area: Diplomatic Area, PO Box 2999 Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4483 1474/4483 1508/4483 1473/4483 3031
- Email: suemdoha2014@gmail.com
Sweden, The Embassy
- Area: Office no. 1301 Palm Tower B, Monoprix Building, West Bay,, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4444 9500/4444 3350
- Email: ambassaden.doha@gov.se
- Site: www.swedenabroad.com/doha
Switzerland, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 60, Street no. 807, Area 66, Wadi al Humra, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4020 3400/40203402
- Email: doh.vertretung@eda.admin.ch
- Site: http://www.eda.admin.ch/doha
Tajikistan, The Embassy
- Area: Building no. 84, Street no. 810, Zone 64, Ibn Zaidoun, PO Box 22395, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 44123906/44984694/33505857/33057319
- Email: tajemqatar@mfa.tj
Tanzania, Embassy of the United Republic
- Area: Building no. 40, Saad Bin Zurara Street No. 965, Al Messila, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4036 0860/4036 0862
- Fax: +974 40294067
- Email: doha@nje.go.tz
- Site: https://qa.tzembassy.go.tz
Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 3 pm; consular administrations: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 1:30 pm, visa entries: Sunday to Thursday: 9 am – 1:30 pm; Visa pickup: 1 pm – 3pm
Thailand, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 122, Dafna, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 4426/4493 4432/4493 0514
- Email: thaidoh@qatar.net.qa
- Site: http://www.thaiembqatar.com
Tunisia, the Embassy
- Area: United Nations St, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4016 2222/4412 8232/4412 8188
- Fax: +974 4412 8938
- Email: at.doha@qatar.net.qa ; at.doha@diplomatie.gov.tn
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8 am – 1:30 pm (consular); 8 am – 3 pm (international safe haven)
Turkey, The Embassy
- Area: Street no. 310, Zone 66, Diplomatic Area, Al Qutaifiya, Al Rabwa, Dafna, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4495 1300/4495 1314/44951320
- Email: embassy.doha@mfa.gov.tr
- Site: http://www.doha.emb.mfa.gov.tr
United states of America ( USA ), The Embassy
- Area: 22 February Street, Al Luqta, PO Box 2399, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4496 6000
- Fax: +974 4488 4298/4400 4101/448 84298
- Email: PASDoha@state.gov
- Site: http://qa.usembassy.gov
Joined Kingdom, The Embassy
- Area: Zone 66, Al Shabab Street, West Bay, Dafna, Onaiza, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4496 2000
- Fax: +974 4496 2086
- Email: embassy.doha@fco.gov.uk ; consular.dohaa@fco.gov.uk
- Site: https://www.gov.uk/world/organisations/british-embassy-doha
Uruguay, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 1, Area 64, University Road, Al Jabeilath, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4411 3833
- Fax: +974 4411 3540
- Email: uruqatar@uruguayembassy.org.qa ; uruqatar@mrree.gub.uy
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8:30 am – 3:30 pm
Venezuela, the Embassy
- Area: Villa No. 36, Samra canister Jandab Street, Area 67, West Bay, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4493 2730/4493 2734
- Fax: +974 4493 2729
- Email: embve.qadoh@mppre.gob.ve
- Opening times: Sunday to Thursday: 8.30 pm – 3 pm
Vietnam, The Embassy
- Area: Villa 8, Near Saha 109, West Bay Lagoon, PO Box 23595, Doha – Qatar
- Tel: +974 4412 8480/4412 8370
- Email: vietnamembassy.doha@gmail.com