08 Apr 2018 – 11:48

MET issues safety tips during thunderstorms as rains hit Qatar

Salim Matramkot / The Peninsula.

The Peninsula Online

Scattered rain has been reported across Qatar with Qatar meteorology department predicting that it will continue with thundery cells throughout the day. The department tweeted that “cloudy skies with scattered rain and a thundery cell detected in central Qatar. Please avoid marine activities due to unsettled weather conditions.”

The department has issued a few safety tips to use during thunderstorms. Here is a list of safety guidelines to follow in the event of a thunderstorm:

qatar airways

1.    Take extra care as thunderstorms may be accompanied by hail at times and strong winds that could raise dust and cause a sudden drop in visibility.

2.    Try to stand indoors and make sure to close car windows if you are driving to avoid the risk of lightening.

3.    Try to stay away from open water as much as possible and if you are swimming outdoors, stop immediate and head to a safe place.

4.    Avoid standing in highland areas or on the roofs or under trees and electricity poles.

5.    Unplug the power supply for home appliances to protect them from the passage of a thunderbolt through the electric current.