Millions of faithful make pilgrimage to Senegal
Each year, millions of Muslims set out on a pilgrimage to Touba, in central Senegal. The annual event even surpasses the number of faithful who undertake the traditional hajj to Saudi Arabia.

Members of the Mouride brotherhood recite prayers during the annual Muslim pilgrimage.
Praying around the clock
As many as 4 million Muslims, such as these members of the Mouride brotherhood, participate in each year’s Grand Magal, as the traditional journey is called. In comparison, “only” about 2.5 million Muslims undertake the hajj to Mecca in Saudi Arabia each year.
Final preparations
Before the faithful can be allowed to enter the Great Mosque of Touba, members of the Mouride brotherhood sweep its floors. The Mouride are part of a Sufi branch of Islam. They are economically and socially influential in both Senegal and Gambia.
Waiting to get in
Outside the mosque, the faithful gather for two days of festivities, sometimes creating chaos in and around Touba. According to official statistics at least 16 people were killed in traffic accidents in 2016, and at least 600 people were injured.