Most powerful explosions in Saudi-led airstrike campaign on Yemen target weapons

The latest round of Saudi-led airstrikes on Yemen Houthi rebel positions have led to the most powerful explosions so far in the three-week campaign. The focus is on weapon caches near the capital.

Witnesses reported mushroom clouds rising over the mountainous outskirts of the capital, Sanaa, on Monday. The Faj Attan area, where the largest weapon stores are located, has been the repeat target of the Saudi-led coalition air strikes which began three weeks ago.

A Yemeni official told the AP news agency that warplanes were demolishing parts of the mountain, in an attempt to uncover and destroy Scud missiles.

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Windows shattered, streets were littered with glass, residents ran for shelter and a local television presenter was killed in the attack. A layer of soot was left on top of residential buildings. Anti-aircraft fire was heard across the city.
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Source News: DW