My Wildest Prediction: The podcast that dares to imagine the future with business visionaries
Dare to imagine the future with business and tech visionaries.
By Marta Rodriguez Martinez & Tom Goodwin
Published on 20/11/2023 – 17:09•Updated 21/11/2023 – 12:17
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Dating apps will die, capitalism is over, and social apps will slowly disappear… Get ready for some very wild predictions from the world’s tech and business leaders as they chat about the future with innovation expert Tom Goodwin.

Stay at the forefront of the ever-changing business world alongside CEOs, tech disruptors, and entrepreneurs as they reveal their boldest predictions that have the potential to transform our world.

On My Wildest Prediction, we not only have the courage to forecast the future but also engage in discussions about the pathways to reaching those predictions.

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Euronews’ new podcast for those who want to get ahead of the future
Join us on My Wildest Prediction, a podcast where we dare to envision the future alongside business and tech visionaries.

Hosted by innovation expert and futurist speaker Tom Goodwin, this podcast delves into groundbreaking forecasts in the realm of technology and business. ​

Tom Goodwin has dedicated years to contemplating and articulating the impacts of disruptive innovations on our lives.

Some anticipate a future arriving sooner and surpassing our wildest dreams, with a pace of change faster than ever. Conversely, others foresee a dystopian tipping point on the horizon. In this age of tension, the potential of what’s achievable clashes with the chaos of the present.

The most effective way to comprehend the future is to stimulate discussions about the topics that truly matter.