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The Airbus A350 is an ideal option to lead Qatar Airways’ efforts to rebuild its global network of destinations while providing adequate capacity to meet the current demand for travel, and the carrier said, “We currently have 49 modern aircraft of this type.


“Thanks to our strategic and diversified investments in our fleet, we have not relied on a specific type of aircraft to operate our operations,” Qatar Airways said. “We are always keen to fulfill our obligations to the environment and sustainability to the fullest, as this is a beacon to plan our operations in the group, and therefore we maintain the operation of the fleet. Modern aircraft with an average age of the plane in which less than five years, on the other hand, and in the context of the airline’s provision to provide the highest standards of hygiene, safety and security on board its flights and to ensure that young children travel safely, Qatar Airways provides them with a face shield for children that shows a picture of one of the Oryx Club children’s characters.

qatar airways


With close monitoring of the global travel movement and starting planning for a gradual re-launch of its flights to more destinations, Qatar Airways will employ its diversified and efficient fleet of aircraft to operate aircraft of the appropriate size to meet the expected demand for all destinations expected to be relaunched and the airline is looking to operate flights to 80 destinations worldwide. It will allocate a strong flight schedule to many of these cities with one or more trips per day to each destination, and Qatar Airways maintains its flights on top.