Residents can Change Employer Within 90 Days of RP Expiry

As per the new ministerial decision published from the Official Gazette yesterday, September 20 residents can change their employer within 90 days from the expiry of their residence permit.
The new decision was distributed in the Official Gazette, as posted by the Ministry of Justice on its Twitter account yesterday.
The Minister of Interior Decision no. 51 of 2020 corrects a few provisions of executive regulations of Law no. 21 of 2015 managing the entry, exit, and residence of expatriates.
According to the new decision, article 1 states the replacement of the writings of articles 65 and 67 of the executive regulations of Law no. 21 of the year 2015. According to the changed article No. 65, the difference in the expatriate’s employer will be according to the important laws and regulations in such a manner.
The expatriate will inform the department concerned at the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs as per the established rules and procedures.
The residence permit of the expatriate should be valid or within 90 days from the date of expiration, unless it expired for reasons beyond his control.
As per the changed article No. 67, the employer is needed to submit an extra agreement, if they hire a worker temporarily (ayara) to the main job contract of the worker, signed by the employer and expatriate worker. Which will be approved by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and Social Affairs.
Article 2 expresses that article 66 of the executive regulations of Law no. 21 of 2015 referred to be cancelled.
As per the Article 3 of the decision, all authorities concerned should execute this decision from the next day of the publication in the Official Gazette.