We’re looking for your photographs from around the world, Priority with Qatar’s photos.
Send us your pictures:
News Photos
You send them to us and we’ll include a selection on the weekly picture gallery published every week on “the Welcome Qatar” website.
However, if you send in photographs of children, we must have written permission from a parent or guardian of every child featured (a grandparent, auntie or friend will not suffice).
Please give us your name, where you live and brief details about the pictures. If you would like your image to be included in the weekly picture gallery, please make sure it has a minimum size of 1024×550 pixels for landscape and 570×400 pixels for portrait.
You can also tell us what you think of the week’s pictures on the “Welcome Qatar” Facebook page.
The result of first photography of this series of competitions announced, new galleries will be published. So Send us your Photos.
Photography Competition Results, See Photos received for photographers competition.
Terms and conditions
If you submit an image, you do so in accordance with the WelcomeQatar’s terms and conditions. In contributing to “Welcome Qatar” you agree to grant us a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence to publish and otherwise use the material in any way that we want, and in any media worldwide.
It’s important to note, however, that you still own the copyright to everything you contribute to “Welcome Qatar” and that if your image is accepted, we will endeavour to publish your name alongside it on the “Welcome Qatar” website. The “Welcome Qatar” cannot guarantee that all pictures will be used and we reserve the right to edit your comments.
At no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws.