Homosexuality attacks the very fabric that makes up a society

Progressive thought has always taken toll on societies, freedom of speech on the pretext of social progress has demonized human values and human morals. In the quest for perceived ‘progression’ humans have let animalistic desires shadow their conscience and virtually disregarded their unique creation. Human values or human morals are not something that are vague or need validation from a supposed progressive culture. Progression and changing benchmarks have led societies to animalistic desires and societal disintegration.

Qatar is very strict when it comes to preventing vice and changing social order.  Promoting and speaking for debauchery, dissipation or adultery in public through words, gestures, or any other means can invite a prison term of no less than six months and not exceeding three years, according to Article 294, Law No. 11.

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Qatari society believes in traditional family structure and emboldens it with new policies and laws.

Qatar has maintained its cultural and traditional values as an Arab and Islamic nation that considers the family to be the main pillar of society. Qatar National Vision 2030.

Crimes perpetrated to demean the main pillar of society are dealt with an iron fist. Punishments for adultery or sodomy are considered among the sanctions that aim to protect the interests of a society as well as protecting the victims. Homosexual acts between adult females and adult males are both illegal. There is no legal recognition of same-sex marriages, civil unions or domestic partnership benefits.

Whoever commits, instigates or seduces a male in any way to commit sodomy or dissipation, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term of no less than one year and no more than three years, according to article 296, Law No. 11. According to Article 298, Law No. 11, whoever performs adultery or sodomy as a profession or for a living shall be punished with imprisonment for a term up to ten years.

In order to maintain the social fabric, the Criminal Code has prescribed severe penalties for gay relations that can even reach up to death penalty.
In the 1990s many homosexual Philippine workers were deported and arrested in Qatar. In 1995 an American citizen visiting Qatar was sentenced to six months in prison and 90 lashes for homosexual activity