Heavy rainfall is expected to continue throughout Qatar today, according to forecasters.

Residents should expect thunder, lightning and even a few tornados, says Steff Gaulter, senior meteorologist at Al Jazeera English.

Earlier in the week, twisters were seen in several areas of Qatar. Some of them were “gustna

Safety tips

qatar airways

Rain was already spotted early this morning in several parts of Qatar, including West Bay and Ras Laffan:

The Qatar Meteorology Department (MET) has advised residents to beware of hail at times and strong winds that cause dusty conditions and a drop in visibility.

It urged people to stay indoors during heavy downpours and to keep car windows closed while driving to avoid getting hit by lightning.

Other tips included:

  • Staying away from open water during thunderstorms;
  • Avoiding standing on roofs, under trees or near electricity poles during storms; and
  • Unplugging the power supply for home appliances to protect against power surges