
With authorities stepping up their efforts to make Qatar’s roads safer for everyone by the installation of state of art radar systems, the number of traffic violators penalised has gone up substantially.

According to the figures released by the Ministry of Development, Planning and Statistics for the month of December 2016, the number of violations caught by radars in the number of November 2016 in comparison to November 2015 has gone up by 54%. The number of violations registered by the radar systems has recorded at 122, 967 for the month of November 2016.

qatar airways

In comparison to October of 2016, the number of violations in November increased by 21%, with the number recorded in October standing at 100, 872.

It is worth mentioning that the radar systems that have been deployed at various crucial places across the country are capable of detecting over-speeding, wrong overtaking, not wearing seat belts while driving as well as usage of mobile phones while driving.

In total the number of traffic violations that were recorded in the month of November last year stands at 182, 731 reflecting an increase of 36.3% from November of 2015. Similarly, the total number of traffic violations registered in October 2016 stood at 161, 353, which is 13.2% lesser than November 2016.

The violations concerning jumping of signals decreased from 2070 in November 2015 to 1790 in November 2016, marking a fall of 13.5%. However, violations concerning traffic signs registered an increase of 78.7% with November 2016’s numbers standing at 15299.

The statistics, however, reveal that the number of violation concerning non-renewal of registration and driving licenses are dropping, with only 244 non-renewal of registration and 88 non-renewal of driving licenses recorded in November 2016.

The number of traffic accidents, however, increased from 471 in October 2016 to 606 in November 2016, with the majority of accidents (97) occurring in Al Rayyan. In November last year, 19 people lost their lives in traffic accidents compared to 15 in October in the same year.