Ministry questions report on UAE pollution levels

Dust obscures the Burj Al Arab. Sand and dust ‘should not be included as pollution’. Sarah Dea / The National

ABU DHABI // The Ministry of Environment and Water has questioned the World Bank’s data-gathering methods after it claimed the UAE had the worst air pollution in the world.

The World Bank’s The Little Green Data Book gives a much higher level of particulate pollution than was reported by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which said the UAE had taken significant steps to improve ambient air quality.

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“I don’t understand where they are getting this data from,” said Fahed Hareb, director of air quality at the ministry.

“The data we measure doesn’t even reach half of what they are talking about.

“There’s no mention of where they get their information. They never contacted us for data so those models can be based on anything.
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Source News: Thenational