The Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) on Saturday reported 879 new confirmed cases of coronavirus (Covid-19), with 1,153 people recovering from the disease in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of recovered cases in Qatar to 77,225. It also reported one death.
In the past 24 hours, 14 patients were admitted to intensive care due to health complications resulting from infection with Covid-19, bringing the total number of cases that receive medical care in intensive care to 205.
The ministry stated that the patient who died yesterday was 77 years old and had received the necessary medical care. It offered condolences and sympathy to the family of the deceased.

The health ministry pointed to the decrease in the number of daily cases that require intensive care, as the number of daily cases that need hospitalisation is decreasing, but warned that infections may rise again if the community’s commitment to precautions and preventive measures wanes.
The ministry continues to conduct investigative and proactive investigations, which contribute to early detection of cases.
The new confirmed cases have been completely isolated in the various medical facilities in the country, where they are receiving the necessary healthcare.
The ministry said that the epidemic is gradually tapering off in Qatar due to the precautions and preventive measures implemented by the state and the community’s commitment to adhere to them. This is considered a reassuring indicator, but it does not mean the end of the epidemic as the virus is still present in the community.
The ministry indicated that the number of daily infections among citizens and residents (other than expatriate workers) has increased compared to what it was in May, despite the overall decrease in the total number of daily infections in Qatar.
It cautioned that most of the infections in these two categories belong to members of the same family, and that the source of the infections is often due to social mixing with friends or other relatives. Care must be taken not to transmit the virus, especially to the elderly and those with chronic diseases.
In this context, the ministry has advised the community to be more careful than before and to continue physical distancing, washing hands and wearing a protective face mask as well as being careful when the person is near an elderly member of the family with chronic diseases.
Also, reduce the number of necessary social visits and keep a safe distance.
The health ministry warns that the gradual lifting of restrictions imposed by Qatar since June 15 after the epidemic has receded in the country, does not mean lax implementation of precautionary measures and steps by community members because the virus is still present in the community.
The ministry stresses that in the event of a decline in the degree of caution among members of society, it is very likely that the epidemic will return again in the form of a new wave of the spread of the virus in society.
It added that through people’s commitment to preventative measures and limiting the spread of the virus, it is possible to enter the next phase of lifting restrictions, but the matter depends on the extent to which people comply with the measures by, for example, avoiding family visits as much as possible.
The ministry has developed indicators through which it evaluates both daily and weekly the current situation and submits recommendations to the Cabinet regarding progress and transition from one stage to another of the plan.
The ministry urges anyone with symptoms of Covid-19 to contact the unified helpline (16000), or to go to one of the virus testing centres, since the earlier detection of the disease results in a better chance of recovery.
The main screening centres include Muaither Health Centre, Rawdat Al Khail Health Centre, Umm Slal Health Centre, and Al Gharrafa Health Centre.
The latest information and instructions related to Covid-19 are available on the ministry’s dedicated website.

Last updated: June 27 2020 10:46 PM