Syria: In Aleppo, one man’s story of fear, defiance and survival

(CNN) – Karam al Masri is watching his city die. Or more accurately, he is watching the life gradually ebb from it.

Masri is a 25-year-old photographer in Aleppo who documents the fatalism, fear and sometimes the defiance of tens of thousands of civilians who remain in rebel-held areas of the city now almost encircled by Syrian government forces and their allies.

Masri has witnessed and experienced enough tragedy to fill many lifetimes.

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He has been detained by the regime’s secret police and ISIS; he has seen others executed and expected to be killed himself. He has lost relatives and friends and watched his beloved city become a battlefield.

But he stayed on through the barrel bombs that rained down from helicopters of Bashar al-Assad’s regime. He stayed on despite the snipers and the random shelling. And he continued taking photographs of the people, their spirit as well as their inconsolable sadness.