- Labour Complaint Through NHRC Website. Go to NHRC Website and then to the Complaint Form Page. …
- Labour Complaint Through NHRC Email or Fax. NHRC Telephone: 00974-44048844 NHRC SMS Number: 119. …
- Labour Complaint Through NHRC Office.
- After years of bad and unprofessional employers hindering the growth of Qatar’s economy, the government has put in place a system that will revolutionize the workplace and provide a solution to the thousands of workers across the country.
More importantly, the fact that we have around two million people leaving their country and have come to Qatar to work and provide remittances to their families back home is a need that some employers have been able to exploit.
The fact that the workers are contributing to the exponential economic growth of the country, as well as the provision of services and infrastructures, does not phase the evil employers. They do not follow strict regulations’ guidelines, do not pay their workers’ salaries on time, and do not provide the latter with the necessary facilities to function.
That is why the Qatar government has come up with numerous ways to provide a solution for the suppressed workers, and the following article is a guide for the employees who are taken advantage of and want to stop being exploited for the sake of their boss’s profit.
This is how the employee can lodge an official labor complaint directly sent to the government through various easy and simple ways.
Table of Contents
Is Your Employer Not Paying Your Salary? Learn What To Do.
The powerful governing mechanisms of the authorities in Qatar have contributed to the understanding that the economy will not even progress and achieve the levels people are aspiring to without focusing and respecting the working environment and the employees’ rights.
The Qatar government wants to empower you, provided that your contract has been violated, and you cannot work and provide your services under these conditions.
The Government of Qatar established a new institution by the title of Wage Protection System (WPS), which is constantly trying to make sure that the managers and the bosses are paying the wages they have to pay on time, and according to the contract that has been signed between the two counterparts.
The authorities understand that there might be some issues when it comes to paying every employee on time, so they give the employer the advantage of having a maximum of seven (7) day period after the due date to pay off the worker.
If the employer does not respect the government’s restrictions, there should and will be an interception by the Minister, who will have every right to suspend the issuance of new work permits to the employer and/or suspend all dealings with the Ministry. This does not include the authentication of any job contracts, but it is subject to suspension.
Learn How To File A Labour Complaint Against Your Employer (Video)
Learn how to file a complaint via video explanation (English Subtitiles) A worker that is constantly providing his services to his employer but seems that he does not receive his salary on time, or does not receive the agreed salary based on his work contract, can make an official complaint about the worker, directly sent to the Ministry of Administrative
Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA), through numerous ways which are explained below.
The ministry will work at the best of its abilities to process the complaint and provide the worker with a solution.
1. Send A Labour Complaint By SMS To MADLSA Hotline Number
Modern problems require modern solutions. Qatar’s Ministry of Labour (MADLSA), provides the worker with the ability to directly send a text message with the complaint, since the institution has launched a hotline.
The hotline is available 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week, and gives the employee the opportunity to choose among different languages.
The process is simple and quick. The employee has to complete the following steps to submit a labour complaint as an SMS on Ministry of Labour Hotline Number 92727;
- Open your phone’s text message (SMS) option/app
- Type 5 then ID Number OR Visa Number
- Send the SMS to 92727
The process might require you to send your information to another contact through SMS, but the confidentiality of the complaint is maintained. The file is sent directly to the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA) and they are the only ones with access to your complaint.
2. Labour Complaint By Unified Platform
A modern way of filing a complaint can occur through SMS and through the new online platform by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA), which was launched in the middle of this year, 2021.
The new platform should be primarily used against the employers and the entities that violate the regulations of Qatar Labor Law No.14 of 2004. The law itself sets out how an employee’s employment can be terminated, the disciplinary powers of an employer, the penalties which the employer may impose on its employees, and the appropriate disciplinary procedure which must be followed when imposing them. Employment may be terminated with or without any reason being given on the part of the terminating party.
It is also a crucial platform for violations against the Domestic Workers Law promulgated by Law No. 15 of 2017. The law guarantees workers a maximum 10-hour workday, a weekly rest day, three weeks of annual leave, and an end-of-service payment of at least three weeks per year.
The platform is not limited to punishing the managers who violate the law. It is of utmost importance if the user wants to file a complaint, report a violation, follow up on previous complaints, review his data, and update his data from a mobile number or an email, in case they were old or wrongly formed in the Ministry’s database.
The steps to proceed with submitting a labour complaint on the ADLSA Complaints Portal are clearly stated below
- Click on “Submit A Complaint (Login As Individual)”
- When directed to the next page, login using your QID / Visa Number + Mobile Number
- Click on “Request OTP”
- Enter the OTP you received as a notification on your phone
- Proceed as stated on the portal
There’s another way of signing in and finding your information in the database, by using your National Authentication System (NAS) credentials; username and password. Regardless of the way you choose, you are directed to the same page.
The department in which you either filed a complaint to, or you changed your information in will review your request and will communicate with you for the next steps, either through email or SMS. This part is also important of raising a complaint as a third-party stakeholder (whistleblower).
3. Labour Complaint Using The Amerni Mobile App
In addition to the launching of the new platform and the hotline for the SMS procedure, the Qatar government has made increasingly important steps to put together a crucial application named “Armeni Qatar”, proving electronic devices in 33 languages.
The steps below will make it easier to submit a labour complaint on Amerni Mobile App and are the following;
- Download the “Amerni Qatar” either from Google App Store (Android), or from Apple Store (iOS)
- Log in using your Tawtheeq (NAS) account credentials
- Complete the initial setup and make sure you read carefully the Amerni Mobile App User Guide
- Click on the “Submit Labour Complaint” icon on the homepage
- Select your preferred language
- Enter the details of your complaint
You also have the separated option for “Domestic Worker Complaint” if you are using the Amerni Mobile App for the solutions of your issues.
4. Filing A Labour Complaint By Calling MADLSA Hotline Number
The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA) is providing the workers with the opportunity of calling at 16008, to raise a complaint.
To report violations regarding the conditions of the workplace and the misallocation of resources, one should call 40280660.
5. Labour Complaint By Sending An E-mail
An additional option that a worker would have to take is to send an email to the Ministry’s dedicated email ID for this particular matter of labour complaints at LBR- complaints@adlsa.gov.qa .
6. Submit A Labour Complaint By Using The MADLSA Self-service Kiosks
One of the most practical ways of filling a labor complaint in the real world came with the Kiosks established by the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA) and placed around the whole country of Qatar.
They offer up to 10 language options, including Arabic, English, Nepalese, Hindi, Bengali, Urdu, Tamil, etc. Submitting your information is done anonymously.
The dispute will not be over yet, however. After lodging your complaint in your native language and in a simple form that would require three easy steps, you take a printed copy of the information you submitted, which will lead you to the labor affairs department, in which your dispute will be finally processed solved.
7. Submit A Labour Complaint By Going To The MADLSA Offices
Workers of today, instead of going directly to the Labour Court or even trying to do everything online, can actually file a complaint in-person, through the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA) offices.
There’s a separate section in which people can file their own complaints, privately.
Workers can visit the Labour Department Offices in Industrial Area and Al-Shahaniya to raise an in-person complaint. The operating hours are from 7:30 AM to 12:30 PM, Sunday to Thursday.
The steps to make a direct complaint in the MADLSA office are the following:
- Write down the full legitimate name of the company and its location
- Note down the number of the company’s manage or the number of Mandoob
- Provide a copy of your Passport and Qatar ID
- Go to the Labour Department office and fill-up the complaint form you were given
- Submit the form with the labour inspector
- Provide explanation for your complaint and proof.
The Labour department is a direct way of finding a solution to your problem since the officials there won’t contact the court for the solution of the issue right away but they will investigate the situation. The department will contact the employer and request for further proof and documentation that will be necessary. If there’s a dead-end to the situation, making reference of the case to the Labour Court will be necessary.
8. Labour Complaint Through Ministry Website Form
The last important approach of this section which supports the workers and the people that want to file a complaint is through the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA) website contact form.
The steps about this particular procedure are the following:
- Go to the Complaints Page on the Ministry of Labour Website
- Choose the type of the form you want, as “Complaint”
- Enter your name, phone number and email
- Provide the details of your complaint
- Include your Qatar ID number
- Click on “Submit”
Learn How To Submit A Labour Complaint To NHRC
This particular section is dedicated to a different way of filing a complaint, which is not affiliated with the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA).
The government has made it possible to file a labour complaint through another institution; the National Human Rights Committee (NHRC). Although it’s similar to MADLSA, the NHRC is established more for the protection of human and working rights, for everyone covered by the jurisdiction of the Qatar state; this is citizens, residents, and transit travellers. Those can file a complaint directly to NHRC, should they feel that their rights have been violated.
The complaint is directly send to NHRC by following the steps below:
1. Labour Complaint Through NHRC Website
- Go to NHRC Website and then to the Complaint Form Page
- Register if you don’t have an account by clicking on “Register Now”
- Sign up with your credentials of Name, QID/Passport, Phone Number, Email etc.
- Once registration is completed, login to submit the complaint form
2. Labour Complaint Through NHRC Email or Fax
NHRC Telephone: 00974-44048844 NHRC SMS Number: 119
NHRC Email: c@nhrc.org.qa NHRC Fax: 00974-44444013
A worker is also eligible and able to send the complaint form directly to the email or fax address of the Human Rights Committee, by following the steps below:
- Download the Complaint Form from NHRC Website
- Print a copy of the form
- Complete the form through hand-writing
- Send it to the address of your choice, considering the information above
- Attach a copy of your ID card (if you are from Qatar), and a copy of your Passport/Visa (if you are from outside of Qatar)
- Make sure that you attach any related documentation and proof
- Send your complaint to the address of your choice
3. Labour Complaint Through NHRC Office
In the same way that the workers can visit the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs offices, they will also have the ability to visit the office of National Human Rights Commission, so they can directly talk to the officials, submit their complaint form, any documentation copies and any additional proof of their choice.
The NHRC office is located in Fereej Abdulaziz, on the Nasser Bin Khalid Intersection, behind the Doha Petrol Station. The office is in the Otabi Tower.
Learn How To Check The Status of A Labour Complaint?
Once you have submitted a complaint and have, therefore, received a reference number, you will be able to check the status of your application on the website of MADLSA, or by using the Amerni mobile app.
1st Option: Checking The Status On Ministry Website
If you would like to check the status of the process through the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs website, you have to follow the steps below:
- Go to the MADLSA website
- Visit the complaint status page
- In the first field, enter the establishment registration number
- In the second field, enter the complaint number
- Select the year from the drop-down option
- Press “Submit”
2nd Option: Checking The Status on Amerni Mobile App
You can also check the status of your labour complaint through the Amerni Mobile App by the following steps to:
- Open the Amerni mobile app
- Signing in using your NAS credentials; username and password
- Select “Individual”
- Click on “Labour Complaint Follow-up”
- Select the year
- Follow the instructions
Labour Dispute Settlement Committees
In order for the improvement of the workers’ access to justice, the Qatar government has established the Labour Dispute Settlement Committees.
Whenever there’s a rising dispute, the workers and the employers first present and file the complaint directly to the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs
(MADLSA). The ministry will take the necessary measures so that the issue will be immediately resolved and the examination of the dispute raised wouldn’t exceed the period of seven (7) days.
If you raise the complaint directly to the Labour Dispute Settlement Committee, the specific committee will arbitrate all disputes and after an investigation on the situation, its decision won’t take more than three (3) weeks to be issued with immediate enforcement.
If the workers’ representatives are available, they would even be able to raise their clients’ complaints, since they are meeting regularly and often with the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs.
How Does The Labour Dispute Resolution System Work
Even though the technology used by the governmental institutions and the authorities that want to put an end on the unprofessional work environments is advanced, there should be some distinctions about the scenarios in which someone will visit the website and will try to follow their complaint.
Based on the following scenarios, you will understand in a better way the process that you will have to take, should you wish to file or view a complaint.
Scenario 1: If you think your employer has breached your contract and/or broke Qatar’s labour law.
If you are part of this scenario and you believe that there has been a violation of the labour law by the employer, you have to follow these steps of the process.
Step 1: Lodge a complaint at ADLSA. You are eligible to lodge the complaint while you are still at work or not later than one (1) year after the end of your employment contract.
Step 2: ADLSA will invite you and the counterparts to organise a meeting and seek a resolution. The organisation would advise you to bring any proof that will support your claim, be ready to discuss your complaint and calculate how much of financial means and resources you lost.
After Step 2, the agreement might be reached and the complaint could be settled.
If there’s no agreement and the complaint is unresolved, you can ask for your complaint to be directly sent to the Dispute Settlement Committee (DSC) for a legal hearing.
Step 3 (if needed): From the DSC hearing, the commits will considered the evidence from both parties and you can prepare yourself by bringing proof to support your complaint once again, preparing a calculation of resources lost in Arabic, and get ready to answer questions from the DSC.
The outcome will be the issuance of a legal decision by the Dispute Settlement Committee and if it’s not appealed after 15 days, this will be the final decision.
Scenario 2: I want to challenge my employer’s decision to discipline me.
Step 1: Send a written grievance to your employer (the copy of which must be saved) — within 7 days of being notified of disciplinary penalty.
Step 2: The decision-making of the employer shouldn’t take more than seven (7) days.
If the issue is resolved, the worker will be happy with the response and the complaint will be settled.
Should the response not cover the employee, he will have any right to lodge a complaint directly sent to the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA) within the next seven (7).
Step 3 (if needed): The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA) will decide wither the disciplinary penalty is fair. For non-dismissal penalties, MADLSA’s decision is final.
If the MADLSA states that the dismissal penalty is fair, worker can request a legal hearing.
Step 4 (if needed): There will be a legal hearing which is concerning dismissal cases only and the matter goes to Dispute Settlement Committee; the process follows the same pattern as in Scenario 1.
Important note: How MADLSA will deal with the worker’s complaint regarding the disciplinary actions taken by the employer depends on whether these are: Non-dismissal penalties (wage deductions, suspension, and delaying promotion/wage rises) or dismissal from employment.
Scenario 3: My employer has accused me of deliberately causing damage and has or is going to deduct my wages.
Step 1: Lodge a complaint at the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA), within seven (7) days after the notification of deduction.
Step 2: MADLSA will decide to either cancel, reduce or agree with the deduction. MADLSA’s decision is final and won’t change.
Workers’ Support and Insurance Fund
Qatar has also established a Workers’ Support and Insurance Fund which does ensure to the workers the provision of constant care, guaranteeing their human rights and ensuring their ability to work on a healthy and safe professional environment.
The purpose of the fund is to secure the respect for the financial payments awarded by the Labour Dispute Settlement Committees, when the company is proving to be unable to pay workers.
Changing Employer After Labour Complaint
If the Labour department or Labour court finds that the employer has defaulted in paying the salary, there will be an issuance to sign a contract in which the salary will be settled for a specific time period.
If the worker wishes to resign from the company and more to another manager, the assistance would be provided by the Labour Department.
On a final note, the Qatar government is actually proving to be an institution which prefers the steady and increasing growth of the economy by respecting the rights of the workers, rather than actually growing exponentially but violating the employees freedom and working environments.
Learn Your Rights & Responsibilities As A Domestic Worker in Qatar
FAQs on Qatar Labour Complaints
What should I do if I haven’t received my salary?
If the employer doesn’t pay you on time or mistreats and disrespects your services, you can and should file a complaint on Qatar’s Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA).
What is the new minimum wage in the State of Qatar?
How can I file a complaint to Labour in Qatar?
A worker can provide proof and file a complaint to the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA), through the numerous channels of hotline number, SMS, fax, website, in-person meetings, Amerni Mobile App, Kiosks etc.
Do I need a lawyer in order to file a complaint?
In most cases the worker will be able to file a complaint and send it directly to the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labour, and Social Affairs (MADLSA), independently and individually.
Is there a possibility that I will get deported if I file a complient against my employer?
Qatar’s Labour Department will provide you with the resources and the security that you would need to change the employee, provided that you have secured a new job offering during the period of dispute.
Will my employer be able to keep my passport?
The employer will be illegal keeping your passport and this should be reported, unless it’s been given with your permission and held for official requirements like visa procedure, renewal and others.
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Is Your Employer Not Paying Your Salary? Learn What To Do. #Qatar2022 complete guide

Where can I complain about my employer in Qatar?
The complaint is directly send to NHRC by following the steps below: