Working moms in Qatar, No more NOC to change jobs in Qatar

No more NOC-no objection certificate to transfer jobs in Qatar. Working moms in Qatar can be benefited.
A new law in Qatar (Law No. 17 of 2020) has been announced that can have a positive effect on working mommies in Qatar. The Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor, and Social Affairs (ADLSA) introduced a non-discriminatory minimum wage and removed the No-Objection Certificate requirement to change employees’ jobs. Yes, no more NOC-No objection Certificate in Qatar.
What is the implication of this law to working moms in Qatar?
1. No more NOC-no objection certificate to change jobs in Qatar

Your long wait working moms in Qatar stops right here. And while you stayed resilient to stay in the work that gives you stress, now, you can explore and use your talent in skills in a better job.
Having the freedom to choose a job without the hesitation of being tied can also increase working mommies’ satisfaction.
Now, you can change jobs without requiring a NOC. Get that job you have been dreaming of momma!
What is NOC-No Objection Certificate
It is a letter from the current employer stating that the employee is cleared and has no objections to finding another job. This was under the “Kafala System”, which was reformed two-years ago and has been ended today.
Working moms under family/husband sponsorship are not required to provide NOC for job change or transfer.
2. Minimum wage regardless of nationality, industry or job.
I have heard stories about very low salaries of housekeepers and laborers, which is heartbreaking. However, they need to stay in their jobs despite low wages because they need to support their family.
This law is non-discriminatory, which means every worker will receive minimum wages and will avoid abuse. The minimum wage is 1.800 that applies to workers in private sectors, regardless of job roles and nationalities.
Read more here:
3. Qatar as a working place of choice

This new law will interest working mommies worldwide because they have the freedom to choose a job. I have personally experienced doubting to accept a job because of the Kafala System. I needed to wait for 1 year before I finally get the job that I wanted because I didn’t want to be trapped.
Additionally, employers will be pushed to take care of their best and most talented employees. This change will also help to increase satisfaction and retention rate.
4. Avoid Job burnout

Staying in the job that you are not satisfied with and is unhappy can lead to job burnout.
Job burnout is a particular type of work-related stress-a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.
What is job burnout?
“A syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. Three dimensions characterize it: Firstly, feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; Secondly, increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one’s job; and thirdly, reduced professional efficacy.”
In Qatar, I have known a lot of stories about job dissatisfaction and or burnout. Why? Because employees cannot resign. Resignation means that employees need to get NOC before they can transfer, which is usually challenging.
As a consequence, they need to leave or exit Qatar. Second, there are instances that the wage is less, but the job is exhausting. And, or, employees are paid based on nationality.
With this law, working moms in Qatar have more opportunities for a better job. And they can avoid job burn out by finding another job before it can lead to severe mental disorders.
5. Anxiety of losing job
According to some studies, working moms are more affected than fathers. A lot of industries prefer to hire males with qualifications. There was also increased anxiety about losing jobs and difficulty finding another job. With this new law, working moms in Qatar will have a higher chance of getting jobs despite the pandemic.
There were also changes with the issuance of termination letter and end of service. Read more:
Related post:
Amir’s new announcement highlighted the setting of the minimum wage to employees working in Qatar, and Removing the NOC for transfer or change of jobs.
This law is very beneficial for working mommies because• They can transfer jobs without being required to present NOC-No objection Certificate. • Minimum wage regardless of nationality, industry or position was set• Qatar will become a more working place of choice• Avoid Job burnout and decreased anxiety on losing job.
Read more here: